Our Story

We’re not out to change the world. Just the way it’s built.

Recognizing the need for change in a widely used but aging and problematic window system, State Window Corporation began as a single company with a single project and vision. Established in 2007, the company wasn’t interested in simply reengineering the old system - it knew it needed to start from scratch.

After months of research and innovative development, State Window developed an entirely new window system – the first of its kind – to suit a new, exacting set of standards. The revolutionary new window system includes a multi-chambered environment with unmatched thermal and structural performance, among other proprietary technologies.

From one innovative project and just a few employees, the business has now grown into a family of companies with more than 60 projects under its belt, and 25 underway. Once just a few people, we are now privileged with a team of over 500 exceptional employees. And we’re only getting started.

Meet Our Team

We take pride in our work and associate ourselves with projects that believe in the use of high-performance material. Here are some of our recent featured projects.


Every project we touch is approached as an opportunity to offer the highest level of service, design expertise, engineering skills and product quality to our customers.

All components manufactured in our facility are fabricated, assembled and inspected under controlled conditions.